Helping Couples Reconnect or
Disconnect in a Healthy Way


Marriage Counseling

Intimate relationships can bring out our most vulnerable and open-hearted selves as well as trigger our core wounds. Pain in deep relationships is inevitable, but how each of you deals with the pain often determines how good (or bad) the relationship feels.

Healthy relationships can be defined as those where both people people are emotionally balanced and where each is using age-appropriate tools to communicate and relate.

Much of the work I do with couples is to revamp and expand each person's tools for expressing feelings, needs and desires.

Do the tools in your relationship
toolbox need updating? 


Get Help to Change
Your Marriage

We don't need marriage anymore. At least not in the ways we used to. It still provides legal and financial protections that are important—especially if the relationship ends—so we shouldn't dismiss marriage as obsolete. But, we do need to rethink marriage so it remains
pertinent to our culture.

Modern couples have begun tweaking the institution to meet their personal needs. A few variations on the traditional paradigm include the Parenting Marriage, Live Apart Together (LAT) Marriage, Companionship Marriage, Safety Marriage and Open Marriage.

Learn how you can personalize your marriage so it works better for you.

Classes & Books
Online Store

Find books (click on the photo above), webinars and workbooks to help you improve your marriage, learn about divorce (and divorce recovery), personalize your marriage to fit your needs, craft your Parenting Marriage, improve your professional skills
and so much more.

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Divorce Support

If you've been through a divorce, you're smack in the middle of it, or just starting your marital dissolution process, I don't need to tell you
divorce is a big deal.

Ending your marriage can be terrifying—even if you've been through it before.

Having a knowledgeable professional help you find the right resources and information as well as to provide a safe and supportive environment in which to heal, can be the difference between a terrible (and terribly lonely) experience and a better, easier and
less expensive divorce experience.

You've come to the right place. You don't have to go through your divorce alone.



Resources for Clinicians

Our marrying and divorcing cultures have changed dramatically in recent years. If you're not staying informed, you may be doing
your clients a tremendous disservice.

Stay on the cutting edge and maximize your ability to help your
clients navigate their relationship challenges.

Read Susan's articles here: